Service Icon Dynamic force

Calibration Service – Dynamic Force

Dynamic calibration standards for reliable measurements of force transducers

Numerous applications that require measurements of force are dynamic. Static and dynamic measurement force sensors enable highly precise measurements in automotive development, the aerospace industry and process control. An example of the use of dynamic force sensors is crash tests.

Measurement devices and sensors continue to be calibrated statically, despite the well-known fact that mechanical sensors display a clearly dynamic behavior. The reason for this is that there are hardly any accepted methods for the dynamic calibration of mechanical sensors.

SPEKTRA LABS is one of the few calibration laboratories worldwide to use dynamic calibration standards and is able to perform reliable measurements of force sensors!


  • Highest level of service
  • Lowest possible measurement uncertainty
  • Traceable and reproducible measurements
  • Fast processing time of 5–7 work days
  • Optional: Express calibration upon request

Our accreditation certificate

Calibration service dynamic force impuls modal hammer

Impact force hammer / modal hammer

Accredited secondary calibration

Determining the impact transfer coefficient of the impact hammer in the range of:

  • 10 N…500 N
  • 10 ms…0.1 ms


Calibration service dynamic force automatic modal hammer

Automatic modal hammers

Automatic modal hammers make it possible to measure the dynamic properties of components such as brake pads or geared motors in a way that is reproducible and automatic. This creates the prerequisites for automatic modal analysis.

Secondary calibration with determination of the impact transfer coefficient of the impulse hammer within the range of:

  • 10 N…500 N
  • 10 ms…0.1 ms


Calibration service dynamic force sensors

Force sensors

Calibration of force transducers in a preloaded or non-preloaded condition. Secondary calibration with sinus excitation in the range of:

  • 0.05 N…2 kN
  • 3 Hz…2 kHz

Piezoelectric force transducers that need to be externally preloaded must be calibrated in their final application configuration.

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Six simple steps to your certificate

6 simple steps of SPEKTRAs service process

Key Features

Frequency range

  • 10 ms…0.1 ms
  • 10 N…500 N
  • 10 N…1 000 N (factory calibration)
  • 05 N…2 kN
  • 3 Hz…2 kHz
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Why is calibration
even required?

Here you will find an interesting overview with definitions,
further information and more about the benefits of our calibration services.

«Put your trust in SPEKTRA LABS for the calibration of your force transducers.
Book your appointment now!»


+49 351 400 24 0